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  • Monday - Thursday
  • Friday
    04:00pm - 06:00pm
  • Saturday - Sunday
    09:00 am - 11:00am

Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

Urban photography, in public places of mexico city, usually in the downtown area

How are the photoshoots and what do they include?

The photoshoots last 2 hours, and in that time we explore the downtown area of Mexico City, taking the best photos. And at the end you are given all the photos taken (approximately 150 pic´s), + the 40 best photos in my opinion, and edited at a pro level, as you see on my website

How long does it take to receive my photos? 

The photos are delivered to you 5 days after they will be sent to you through a link by email

If I want to change the location for photoshop, is it possible?

Of course it is possible, it can be in any place or location you want within the city of Mexico

Do the photoshoots have any schedule?

Yes, the schedule for photoshoots is in the morning from 9am-11am, and in the afternoon from 4pm-6pm. This is to have the best light and your pictures looks the  most spectacular as possible.